Welcome to Marine Benefits - To begin accessing our services you will need to create an account through our member portal.
- To register as a member, please click here.
- Alternatively - follow the steps down below for Desktop, Mobile Web or Mobile App.
Step 1: Go to www.marinebenefits.no website on your browser and click on REGISTER.
Step 2: Fill in all required and correct information.
Step 3: You may now proceed to log-in with your credentials.
Step 4: For security purposes, you will be asked to provide your mobile number. After inputting your country code and mobile number, you may choose to either verify your account via a phonecall or a code sent via sms.
Step 5: After verification, you may now proceed to your dashboard.
Step 6: You may now log-in as a member on your next visit to our portal.
Download the Marine Benefits App below:
- Apple Device (iPhone, iPad) - Click Here
- Android Device (Samsung, Huwaei, Tablet) - Click Here
Step 1: Click on the 'Create Account Here!' option.
Step 2: Fill in the required fields.
Remember to create a strong password.
Step 3: Click on the 'Create Account' button to register as a member.
You are now registered with Marine Benefits.
Mobile Website
If you are accessing the website via your mobile device, please follow the steps below.
Step 1: Visit the Marine Benefits website or click here.
Step 2: If you agree to our use of cookies, click agree.
Step 3 (Method One): Click on the 'Portal' icon to be taken to the Member Portal.
You will now be taken to the member portal. Please scroll to the bottom to see the register option.
Step 3 (Method Two): Click on the 'MENU' icon in the top left to open the menu.
You can now find the 'register' option in the menu.
This will take you to the member portal.
Step 4: Fill in the required fields to register a new member account.
Remember to create a strong password. Click on 'Register' to finish creating your new member account.